Patient Reviews
Karma Ayurveda Reviews By Sherri Tumbarello
In October of 2023 I was suddenly diagnosed with liver disease. I was hospitalized with acute liver failure with a MELD score of 25. The doctors told me that without a liver transplant I had one to three months to live.
The next two months were a barrage of doctors visits and diagnostic tests.
In January of 2024 I happened upon a website for Karma Ayurveda and out of sheer desperation telephoned them to ask for their advice about my condition and inquire if there was anything that they could possibly do to help me.
After speaking with their doctors and reviewing my test results, the doctors at Karma Ayurveda advised me that with the correct medications from them, I stood a good chance of improving my quality of life.
I credit their treatments with being the "turning point" in my recovery efforts. They treated me for my liver cirrhosis, my portal hypertension, and several blood levels that were very dangerous. In addition, they also treated me for my kidney function levels, which were diminishing due to the prescription medications that I was taking from my doctors in the US.
In the past four months of their treatment, I have greatly improved my health, with bloodwork lab results being in normal ranges. Had I not discovered Karma Ayurveda and their treatments, I truly believe that I would not be living in the manner that I am today. I am no longer being considered for a liver transplant, I am able to exercise, travel, and maintain a high quality lifestyle.
I am so very thankful to the doctors and can highly without hesitation recommend their care and medications.